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Sierra Desktop App

Available Installers

To install the Sierra Desktop Application (SDA) on your Windows, MacOSX, or Linux machine, you can use either a self-extracting (SFX) archive file or a ZIP file. Both file types include everything required for the SDA, including a Java virtual machine that is independent from your system Java. In most cases, the self-extracting archive is the easiest way to install the SDA. If the SFX archive file fails or if you want to configure the installation manually, use the ZIP installer. The ZIP file contains both the installer and a script; the script can be used to configure the SDA automatically.

includes Java VM
Windows (SFX)
Download SFX (63.4M)
Windows (ZIP)
Download ZIP (63.6M)
Windows Pure 64 Bit (SFX)
Download SFX (66.9M)
Windows Pure 64 Bit (ZIP)
Download ZIP (66.9M)
Download SFX (63.5M)
Download ZIP (63.6M)
Linux (SFX)
Download SFX (67.1M)
Linux (ZIP)
Download ZIP (67M)

Self-Extracting (SFX) Instructions


  1. Download the SFX archive file for Windows.
    • If you are using a 32-bit Windows system, select the Windows (SFX) archive file.
    • If you are using a 64-bit Windows system, select Windows Pure 64 Bit (SFX) archive file.
  2. Run sfx_sierra_win.exe (or sfx_sierra_win64.exe).
    • On Windows 8 and later, you may see a Windows Defender SmartScreen warning. Click Run anyway.
    • Allow the application to make settings changes: click Yes.
  3. In the installer window, select your options and click Done.

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  1. Download the MacOSX (SFX) archive file.
  2. Open a shell prompt.
  3. Navigate to your download directory.
  4. Enter sh sfx_sierra_macosx.sh.
  5. In the installer window, select your options and click Done.

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  1. Download the Linux (SFX) archive file.
  2. Open a shell prompt.
  3. Navigate to your download directory.
  4. Enter sh sfx_sierra_linux.sh.
  5. In the installer window, select your options and click Done.

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ZIP Instructions


  1. Download the ZIP file for Windows.
    • If you are using a 32-bit Windows system, select the Windows (ZIP) file.
    • If you are using a 64-bit Windows system, select the Windows Pure 64 Bit (ZIP) file.
  2. Unpack sierra_win.zip (or sierra_win64.zip).
  3. Configure the SDA by doing one of the following.
    • To configure automatically, run installerWin.cmd.
      • On Windows 8 and later, you may see a Windows Defender SmartScreen warning. Click Run anyway.
      • Allow the application to make settings changes: click Yes.
    • To configure manually, run install.exe. In the installer window, select your options and click Done.

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  1. Download the MacOSX (ZIP) file.
  2. Unpack sierra_macosx.zip.
  3. Configure the SDA by doing one of the following.
    • To configure automatically:
      1. Open a shell prompt.
      2. Navigate to the directory containing the extracted files.
      3. Enter sh installerMacOs.sh. The installation will complete automatically.
    • To configure manually:
      1. You may need to adjust your Mac's Security & Privacy settings to allow the SDA installation. For more information, see OS X: About Gatekeeper.
      2. In the install_macosx folder, double-click the install.zip folder.
      3. In the installer window, select your options and click Done.

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  1. Download the Linux (ZIP) file.
  2. Unpack sierra_linux.zip.
  3. Open a shell prompt.
  4. Navigate to the directory containing the extracted files.
  5. Configure the SDA by doing one of the following.
    • To configure automatically, enter ./installerLin.sh or bash installerLin.sh.
    • To configure manually, enter sh install.bin. In the installer window, select your options and click Done.

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